Friday 10 February 2012

Ice, Ice baby!!!

Next to our playground is a skate park know locally as 'the humps and bumps'.  The following day after we had the bon- fire children were playing over at the park.  'Arrh come and look...' screamed some of the children. As we ran over to the humps a small group of children had discovered a rather large frozen puddle. As they walked and skidded across you could hear the ice cracking under foot and air bubbles popping. 'Lets smash it!', 'what a brilliant idea'...We ran back to our play hut collected up a number of small hammers and shovels and made our way back...

It wasn't long before we were joined by other children and soon after some patience the top layer was broken up. The children continued to play in this area for the rest of the evening. Some adventureous children challenegd each other to stand in the cold water, 'yieks' freeezing!

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